Girl, you turned NINE!

There’s an emotional knot in my throat right now as I sit here thinking about you…about the years that have passed and the ways you’ve grown to be the girl you are today.  It’s a good knot, just like the one I had when you were born and put in my arms for the first time.  The kind that comes when I am overwhelmed with the wonder of life and God’s goodness in giving us YOU!

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YOU with your beautiful blue eyes and cute button nose.  You with your talents, tenderness,  creativity, and love for all things good.  You – the girl who makes parenting seem easy.

This year, you’ve gone through some hurdles.  You’ve struggled with things that have made my mama heart hurt with you.  And yet you have continued to run your race, with courage and hope, choosing to see your trials as a way to love others who struggle too.  We are proud of you and the young lady you are becoming:  A lover of horses, gymnastics, cheesecake, reading, writing, painting, creating and talking about the deep things of life at bedtime.

I can’t wait to see how God answers your growing prayers this year and uses the dreams He’s given you for making a difference in this world.  And this emotional knot…I’m thinking it has a permanent place in my life because you are an amazing treasure that we only get to hold onto for a time, and every birthday I’m reminded just how fast that time is passing.  So, we’re going to bottle up this year and cheer you on to the next; the big 10.  Let’s go make some more memories, jump more hurdles, and choose to see God’s grace in every day we have.

With so much love for you, our Biggest Girl.  Happy Birthday and happy sewing on your new sewing machine!

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